1-Tie a loop on your hook(0.3mm) with your tread of choice.
(Like you normally would to start a project.)
2-Push your crochet hook through the material at the top of the sock.
3-Grab the thread and pull it through the material and the 1st loop.
4-Crochet 5 stitches of the chain.
5-Then insert the hook through the eye of the bead.
6-Grab the thread with the hook and pull it back through the bead and the previous loop.
7-Crochet 5 more stitches of the chain.
8-Repeat steps 2 through 7.
*I would like to thank the Ryan family for teaching me how to make these!
I'm loving this blog!! So many fun things to make!!
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Hooray for beaded socks! Love your blog!
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